BC: This Valentine’s Day, Pledge a No TransLink Tax Vote

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/02/13

VANCOUVER, B.C.: Just ahead of Valentine’s Day, the No TransLink Tax campaign is encouraging NO supporters to send their loved ones special No TransLink Tax Valentine’s Day cards.

“These vintage valentine’s cards will help No TransLink Tax supporters push back against the millions of taxpayer dollars the politicians and TransLink are spending on their campaign,” said Jordan Bateman, No TransLink Tax spokesperson. “Love is in the air – except for TransLink and their wasteful ways.”

Four different valentines, all featuring vintage artwork, can be printed or sent via social media:

  • A picture of two lit matches nuzzling: “I love you like TransLink loves burning our money.”
  • Two cartoon eggs in a frying pan: “Maybe I’m just ‘small fry,’ but wasting $258 more a year on TransLink is a total yolk. Be my valentine.”
  • A boy and girl holding a hairbrush: “Let’s give TransLink the ‘brush off.’ I’d rather spend my $258 on you, Valentine.”
  • A little boy standing on his head to impress his valentine: “Roses are red, violets are blue, forget TransLink, I’d rather give my $258 to you.”

“We’re not spending millions of taxpayer dollars like TransLink, the TransLink Mayors, and the Yes side are doing,” said Bateman. “When you’re being outspent 125 to 1, you have to be creative in how you get your message out. Valentines like these are a fun way to spread the word of what this TransLink sales tax will actually cost all of us.”

The TransLink tax yes campaign continues to put out numbers that deliberately underestimates the amount of tax families will pay by failing to include the TransLink sales tax embedded into business production costs. To recoup those added costs, business will pass along that hidden tax to consumers through higher prices. The TransLink sales tax will directly and indirectly take $250 million per year from 968,000 Lower Mainland households – an average household tax increase of $258.

The valentines can be downloaded on an 8.5 by 11 printable sheet HERE, or individually HERE:

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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